100% CARD Act Compliant

Coupon books abound at college campuses.
Students love saving. UCMS takes a time-honored
college tradition (penny pinching)
and makes it better



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The industry leading "second stage premium" is the Campus Merchant Program (CMP).

Coupon books abound at college campuses. Students love saving. UCMS takes a time-honored college tradition (penny pinching) and makes it better. The Campus Merchant Program is a better-than-average coupon book that we compile just for our credit card bank partners.

How it works. Merchants get into the book for FREE. So in exchange for paying for advertising or a direct mail piece to college students, they agree to allocate the money to students. They do this by offering a better than average coupon deal. For example, lets say a pizza shop usually gives a $2 off a $9.00 pizza. UCMS says, “hey, if you offer this deal for 2 for 1, UCMS will give you FREE advertising to our client's credit card member base on campus.”

The merchant simply trades money that they would’ve spent on advertising into product discounts targeted at his sweet-spot market.

Other examples are below in the case study using at University of Iowa- Iowa City or Purdue University

Over the Top Results. Coupon books maximize applicants with "good intent". Approval rates can drop well below 20% if applicants just want the first stage premium. History shows that UCMS' Campus Merchant Program (CMP) push approval rates over 55% and activation rate over 75%! Email our president, Dennis for an inside look as to how Campus Merchant Program (CMP) can work for your bank. (dmeunier@ucms.com)


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